Cabin MAZ 5551-5000008 У1
We offer to buy tank (sets of assertions and filling, discharge systems) of petroleum products and other utility vehicles equipment, which are suitable for operation with other brands of cars.
Vacuum tank - АЦВ-3,8 Capacity 3800 liters.
Garbage truck СБЗ-7,5 Capacity 7500 liters.
We also offer to buy tank (sets of assertions and filling, discharge systems) for milk, drinking water, transporting live fish, which are suitable for operation with other brands of cars.
Tank for milk Г6-ОТА-1,3 Capacity 1300 liters.
Tank for milk Г6-ОТА-3,9 Capacity 3900 liters.
Tank for drinking water АЦМ-1,9 Capacity 1900 liters.
Tank for transporting live fish АЦМ-4,2 Capacity 4200 liters.
Tank manufacturer: Ukraine
Delivery terms and price adjusted according to a specific order. For further information please contact by telephone.
Vilniaus str. 53, Karmėlava, Lithuania
LT-54449, District of Kaunas
Phone: +370-37-399 228, +370-685-16301